The Mischke Broadcast Archives
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In this area, you will find a complete listing of all previous postings. Enjoy!
How's Your Life Going? Tommy starts off the program with a few basic questions. 0:52
Diversity Week The Minnesota Twins are celebrating diversity week with some rather interesting promotions. 0:28
Criminal Justice T.D. Mischke claims that we are the least sane nation on Earth when it comes to capital punishment. If you give a listen to his arguments, it is difficult to disagree with that conclusion. 9:02
Depression Humor Tommy is working on a new book filled with nothing but that good ol' depression humor. 1:39
Achieving Godhood It seems scientists can do almost anything these days. They're making stars, achieving incredibly high temperatures, making ball lightning, and so on. It doesn't seem they have much further to go until they possess all the same powers as God Himself. 2:49
A Clerical Error A local animal shelter is taking care of a fellow's dogs, but they end up making a rather unfortunate "clerical error". 2:42
Mozart's Skull Scientists have located Mozart's skull, but this just begs the question -- how did it get separated from the rest of him in the first place?? 6:22
Wacky Water It turns out that water can run uphill. Tom explores some of the other wacky and strange things that water is capable of. 3:31
Meaning Behind Awful T.V. There's an awful lot of
awful T.V. out there -- but why?! For ten million dollars,
Mischke explores this very issue with an unsuspecting fellow. 12:26
The Acorn and the Undertaker This is a classic phone call from Undertaker Fred that took place around 1996 or so. At one point during Fred and Tommy's conversation, Mischke suddenly asks Fred about the strangest thing he's ever done. Well, Fred gives an answer, and I can vouch that it was indeed probably the strangest thing he had ever done. In fact, it is probably one of the strangest things anyone has ever done! 5:30
Gay People are very Sissy Vladimir calls in to the Broadcast and has a few choice words for Tommy and all the other gays out there. 3:56
Mischke on Strike The Mischke Broadcast begins airing, but the host is nowhere to be found. It turns out he is on strike and refuses to return to the show until he gets the raise he deserves. 9:15
The Birds and the Bees Victoria calls in and offers to teach Mischke all about the birds and the bees. 2:16
Hitler's Home Movies A man suddenly remembers that he "happens to have" some home movies featuring that crazy character -- Adolf Hitler. He would have shown them to the world earlier, but it just kind of slipped his mind. 3:30
I Can't Talk About It I'd like to tell you what this clip is all about -- but I really can't talk about it. 3:53
Dr. Laura Many years ago, Dr. Laura used to also air on AM 1500 KSTP. In this clip, Mischke shares his personal feelings about his fellow radio talk show host. 4:11
On the Cutting Edge Jay Kolls is doing a personal endorsement for a product when Mischke suddenly decides to help out and throws in his own two cents. 1:00
Extreme Sports Seems like everyone is into "Extreme Sports" these days. You hear about extreme marathons, extreme bikers, extreme swimmers and so on. Mischke scoffs at these so called "extremists" and regales his audience with some of his truly extreme activities. 8:58
Stay Outta My House Tommy opens the broadcast with a word of warning and tries to reason with some of his more "fanatic" listeners. 1:29
Success '98 Business Seminar Back in 1998, some of you may remember the highly popular business seminars that Mischke used to put on. In case you weren't around back then -- here is what you missed. It's comforting to know that when Tommy is finally fired from his radio gig, he'll always have his business acumen to fall back on. 8:53
The Head of Homeland Security Oddly enough, the head of Homeland Security happened to phone in to the Broadcast one night... 2:23
Ya Idiots Mischke finds himself wishing he could have been on the deck of the Titanic when that infamous ship went down. He would have had a few choice words for the bumbling idiots that were masquerading as "sailors". 8:23
Tom and Nancy Mischke has probably had a dozen different newscasters appear on his program, but none seem to have the rapport that Tommy shares with Nancy Fox. This sound byte is a great example of how Mischke and Nancy are able to play off of each other and entertain the audience with just a regular, run-of-the-mill, meandering conversation. 10:31
The Mocker
The tables are turned on Tommy, as he is torn apart by a vicious
caller. 0:38
Radio This is the controversial bit that actually
landed Mischke in some hot water with The Secret Service.
the bit, Mischke suddenly takes on the role of a typical right
wing radio talk show host. He laments the Oklahoma City
bombing (which had just recently taken place) and says something
to the effect of it being the right idea -- but the wrong
place. The very next day, the Secret Service actually showed
up at the station to ask a few questions of management and
Mischke. Also of note is Mischke making a call to some
national radio talk show and continuing to play the part of a
right wing extremist. Very funny stuff. 11:09
Jump The date was September 11th and Mischke found
himself experiencing one of the most profound moments of his
life. Oddly enough, it was four years before THE September 11th you're
probably thinking of... In this case, I'm talking about
September 11, 1997 -- the date Mischke made his very first (and
only) parachute jump. This sound file is the unedited
master tape of the event, some of it never before aired. 24:52
Money Grab A simple ten dollar parking fine suddenly
turns into an all out war with a local city government. 5:26
with NSP Tommy is experiencing some strange power
issues at the house, so he gives a call to NSP (the predecessor
to X-Cel Energy -- the Twin Cities local power company).
Of course, Tommy got through right away, but then had to suffer
through a pain that we're all too familiar with -- waiting on
hold. 8:35
of Six Listen up -- six simple steps to land a
lover! 8:46
to A.A. Over the course of a phone call, we learn
all about the secret behind A.A.'s successful 12 step program. 9:15
Skydivers Heck, even T.D. Mischke has jumped out of
an airplane! You just never know who'll be next in line to
take the big leap. 2:50
the Spot The date is November 4, 1998 -- America's
national elections have just taken place and the world is
stunned. A former professional wrestler by the name of
Jesse Ventura has just been elected to Minnesota's highest
office -- the Governor of Minnesota. Most of the national
news media is scrambling to speak with anyone from
so Tommy decides to oblige them and gives a call to a radio
station out in Detroit. 6:43
Parents shouldn't really be pushing beer on the youngsters, but
-- in a way -- it's almost understandable at times. 2:21
Urine A couple moves into their brand new home, only
to find out that a cat or two or thirty-eight just might
have been living there first. 3:15
You're a Liar Some grade school punk has the gall
to call Mischke a liar. 1:23
Bags Air bags??!! We don't need no stinkin'
air bags! 1:36
Chapin In a strange turn of events, the spirit of
Harry Chapin suddenly takes over the Broadcast. 9:04
Physically Distinct Governor Tommy discusses
Minnesota's most physically distinct governor -- but oddly
enough, it's probably not the fella you're thinking of. 2:23
with Homestead This is the commercial that finally convinced
that I should really be going with Homestead Mortgage. 1:29
Treatment One of the most infamous Mischke
Broadcasts is the one where Mischke doesn't say a word for the
entire show. Unfortunately, a recording of that show has not yet been
But, this sound clip is very similar to what happened on
that historic night -- except on a smaller scale. Mischke
grew disgusted with a caller, fell silent, and then didn't say a
word. The silence grew deafening and callers were randomly
thrust into (and jettisoned out of) the ether. 13:08
Deaf Tom Mischke puts out some of the most
fascinating interviews you could ever hope to find. But,
even the great ones slip up from time to time. During this
interview, Tommy neglects to take into account one "minor"
little detail... 10:06
Cabby Jim the Cabby is picking up a fare and Tommy
does his best to warn the unsuspecting passenger. 4:57
Olson For the past couple of years or so, Kenny
Olson has been handling the traffic reports at KSTP.
Around twelve years ago, he also used to produce a show (at
KSTP) for Bob Yates. He's been one of the few to get fired
and then successfully come crawling back for more work.
Thankfully, AM 1500 did take him back because it's always fun to
hear Kenny and Tommy have one of their conversations. 4:57
Old Enough Mischke figures if you're old enough to
die for your country, then you're sure as hell old enough to
have a beer. 1:21
Next Move Should Be Mischke is rather concerned
about Tom Cruise. Mr. Cruise has just been fired from
Paramount Pictures and Mischke is bound and determined to figure
out what Tommy's next move should be. 3:23
Time Slot This is a very interesting sound clip
because way back in 1998, a listener calls in and asks Mischke
if he would rather work drive time -- if he had the
choice. Now it's 2006 and Mischke is working
time, something that still surprises me to this day. Given
that he is working the slot now, it is quite interesting to hear
Tommy's thoughts on the subject -- eight years before the
big change... 5:59
Humor It's Good Friday, so (of course) Tommy's got
his Good Friday humor ready to go. 3:43
Plan Bill Clinton is finally exposed for the
conniving bastard that he really is. He was mired in a sex
scandal, caught in some lies, perjured himself and then was
finally impeached. But the sad thing is that this was all
just part of his genius master plan. He had been playing
us like a fiddle all along! 10:36
Mr. Humble This is a great call to listen to, just because the caller is so gosh darn humble. Well, I take that back -- the call wasn't exactly great, but it was pretty darn good. I mean, I've made better calls than that, but it wasn't bad for this guy. It's tough to beat me as a caller because I'm better than Undertaker Fred or Roz or even Al. That's just the fact, Jack. 9:56
Did I Mention We're on the Air??! Mischke calls a friend and makes the "minor" mistake of forgetting to tell the friend that they are on the air! 4:57
Special Note: If anyone out there has some recordings of the show that Tom Mischke and Don Vogel used to put out together, I would love to grab a copy if at all possible I was a big fan of The Afternoon Saloon and never got the chance to hear Tommy and Don working together I think that must have been an incredible show Just click on this webmaster link to send me an e-mail.
Or, if you'd rather just talk to Mischke about some of the sound bytes above, or about weather in Buckman, Minnesota, or about how grass makes a different sound when you walk on it at varying temperatures, or just about anything else--you can click on the T.D. Mischke link to send him an e-mail.